Fur Kids

Over the years I’ve had some wonderful relationships…with animals.

Even after years, I can’t mention their names without tearing up.

<– Lulu, my first dog. Love of my life.

Rocky, my second dog, and even more loving and devoted than Lulu.

Little Lisa the adopted pup, I rescued after losing Lulu, who died tragically while I was at the hospital finding out I needed open heart surgery.

Lucky, the not so lucky, rescue pup I got after losing Lisa, who I discovered had cancer and we put down on New Years that year.

Bud, the toy poodle we adopted when his mom couldn’t keep him…then gave him back when she asked for him 6 months later…

All the various cats who adopted me, off and on, at their whim, as they will…Puck, Star, Tank, Ziggy, Evelyn, Zachary, Dorothy, Spike…

The chickens and ducks who made me laugh and filled the yard and creek and pond and meadow with happy noise…

Happy Hollow wouldn’t be happy without our furry and feathered friends.


In memory of my dear dear beloved friends:

Rocky the love bear
Rocky the love bear
Lisa. I haz sock!
Lisa. I haz sock!
Bud is back with his mom.
Puck, cattitude
Puck, cattitude
Ziggy. Scanner is mine!
Ziggy. Scanner is mine!

Evelyn, Zachary and Dorothy, (now renamed Tootise) now live with my Mom, each in their own apartment. I gave her Tootsie for Christmas shortly after adopting her from the feral brood across the street. She was the biological sister of Evelyn and Zachary who were born under the wood pile the year before. I boarded ‘mine’ with Mom when I went to Nova Scotia for the summer, she became attached and wouldn’t give them back. Spike, reverted to feral after Rocky died, he loved Rocky, and did not appreciate George. I still spot him out by the barn…hope he makes it through the winter again.

Zachary helping me work
Zachary helping me work
Evelyn in repose
Evelyn in repose
Dorothy, aka Dottie sunbathing
Dorothy, aka Dottie, aka Tootsie sunbathing
Spike, day one.
Spike, day one.
Spike kisses the Rock (before rubbing my leg to say 'mine')
Spike kisses the Rock (before rubbing my leg to say ‘mine’)

Current residents and rambunctious step brothers George & Opie, recent adoptee settling in just fine.

George, Day One
Opie, Day One
Opie, Day One
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