I dream. You dream. We all dream dreams. We dream them asleep and awake. I don’t usually remember the dreams I dream when I’m asleep.
Tag: dreams
Artistic Vision
I’ve had a lifelong desire to be an artist. I have fulfilled that dream in many ways. However, attempts to paint in oils were…shall we
Astaak at Abbecombec
Today’s vocabulary words: Awakening – coming into existence or awareness. Requiescence – a state of rest or repose; peace, quiet. Astaak is the native name
I’ve never studied yoga or meditation, but I believe I read somewhere that in order to achieve inner peace one must create the right atmosphere.
Surf to live. Live to surf.
Old man who can’t surf anymore has bleak, almost hopeless message about depression. (the keyword is ‘almost’) I’ve been battling severe depression all my life.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Building Eagle’s Nest I thought it’d be interesting to show the progress on the new house construction on Astaak Point in a video intercut with
Being Here
While walking with George, my too excited puppy, this morning as we crossed the creek, the big blue heron who often visits early to fish