George does not take direction well, but he does try. A multi-media experience of a day at our favorite beach in Nova Scotia with my
Tag: dogs
I’ve never studied yoga or meditation, but I believe I read somewhere that in order to achieve inner peace one must create the right atmosphere.
Surf to live. Live to surf.
Old man who can’t surf anymore has bleak, almost hopeless message about depression. (the keyword is ‘almost’) I’ve been battling severe depression all my life.
May. Day 3
Time for walkies!
May 2, 2017
Another spring day in May. What else can I say?
Saturday Promenade
One of these days I suppose these early morning walks will lose their sense of wonder and amazement, of discovery and excitement, even when treading
Sunday Morning
Sunday, June 5, 2016 was gray and drizzly. We still took our usual walk down Beersville Road and back around the property and the meadow.