This is an ode to one of my favorite places on earth. I hope it stays like this forever.
Tag: Clam Bay
Abbecombec 2019 – The Book
The first year I was there I was so enchanted by the beauty of the area that I took a lot of photos. Energized by
August 2019
I go to Nova Scotia every summer through the end of October and stay at my home on a drumlin (google it! LOL) that sticks
Embrace the Magnificent
Today’s thought of the day. An insight, a simple concept actually that smacked me in the head as George and I had a magnificent walk
Looking for Rainbows
Thunder is rumbling in the distance.Raindrops streak the windows as I peer throughat squalls raking the silvered bay below.Bursts of luminescence break through the gloomy
The Big Picture
I’ve been taking lots of pictures as usual here in Nova Scotia, but haven’t been very diligent about editing and post-production, nor posting them on
Artistic Vision
I’ve had a lifelong desire to be an artist. I have fulfilled that dream in many ways. However, attempts to paint in oils were…shall we
Another Crappy Day
So I’m in Nova Scotia finally. After a summer in Happy Hollow, enduring the heat and humidity, so I could enjoy my meadow and my
He Ain’t Heavy
My brother David Frantz will be 64 on Friday, February 16, 2018. I made this as a birthday gift for him from my pics of his first