Another Crappy Day

Another Crappy Day

So I’m in Nova Scotia finally. After a summer in Happy Hollow, enduring the heat and humidity, so I could enjoy my meadow and my garden for a change, I finally loaded George and myself in the truck after Labor Day and made the long, long, long drive up to my getaway on the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia.

It was a great drive with perfect weather and The Aerie on Astaak had recovered well from the winter’s battering and greeted us sporting a new heavy duty roof and the new garage was well underway. We spent our days as usual walking the beach, George running wild chasing birds and interesting smells, and me taking pictures of the splendour or just drinking it all in.

Early on we had a great visit with 3 of my old friends from Santa Barbara and we even got 3 days of fun little surf. So much fun. I might have to do more of this socializing with real people in real life. It’s not so bad after all, and even kind of nice.

As usual I took a lot of pictures. As usual I’ve lagged on post production work and trying to sort them out and do something with them rather than let them languish in folders neatly organized by date on my computer. As usual I managed to post a couple here and there to my Facebook page, selected by whatever whim grips me as I look through the day’s captures, but inconsistently as usual.

Before I knew it, it was October.

October 2 was a dark and brooding day, gray and overcast with the threat of rain as clouds moved in to obscure what started out as a pretty sunrise witnessed from our aerie on top of the drumlin ironically named Astaak, or ‘the sun comes out’ in the native language. Nevertheless my dog George and I headed down to our local beach for our daily constitutional.

I didn’t think I’d take any pictures or get any decent ones. I was wrong.

So I made another one of my crappy videos of another crappy day in that godforsaken hellhole known as Nova Scotia.

…or the opposite of that.

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