I dream. You dream. We all dream dreams. We dream them asleep and awake. I don’t usually remember the dreams I dream when I’m asleep. I do remember the dreams I dream when I’m awake and dreaming of the dreams I want to make real. Without conscious thought, I sometimes discover that I have made those dreamy dreams come true. Sometimes, when I least expect it, when I don’t even imagine it to be possible, the dreamiest of dreams becomes real…or seems about to become real.
The dreamiest dream I ever dreamed feels like it is about to become real. My dreamiest dream now is that it will. My nightmare is that I will somehow screw up and turn this dream into a nightmare by trying too hard, or not trying hard enough, or doing something stupid, or something…and the dream will only be a dreamlike dream and vanish like the dreams I dream while I sleep always do, and I will awake to realize it was all just a dream.
Yet I still dream the dream. I dream that dreams can come true, will come true, if only you dream then long enough and believe in them.
The dream I’m talking about is love, someone to love, someone who loves me, someone to dream the dreamy dreams I dream with me and work together to make them real. To make that dream our life’s purpose and real reality.
Nah. It’s probably just a dream.
Or is it?