Sitting On Top of the World

Sitting On Top of the World

You know that drumlin you’ve seen in so many of the photo shoots, the one looming over Sleepy Head and at the eastern end of the beach shoots at Shangri-La? The point I refer to as Astaak Point?

Well, I bought a lot on top of it. Lot 20 to be exact. I’m pretty stoked. This is every surfer’s dream, and now it’s come true for me. Pinch me…

Lot 20
Lot 20

George and I found a trail up from the little cove on the Sleepy Head side and took a hike up. You can see it on the aerial photo at the right. We also discovered an easy trail down the bluff to the surf right in front. Hmmm…what to name this possible peak? Frontyards?

Come along with us as we find ourselves Sitting On Top Of The World.

[Video has been removed]

New home construction to commence this summer! So stoked!!!

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