Sunset at the beach with George…revisited.
Such a glorious day, I succumbed to my guilt at always keeping him on leash, and I decided to let George free to run and roam to his heart’s content and just hoped I’d somehow get him back when it was time to head home.
No such luck. He wasn’t about to get in the truck after his taste of freedom. At least during my 2 mile walk up and down the beach below our new home, the sky, sea and sand had plenty of amazing sights to witness and try to record with my phone cam.
As the sun set and last light faded quickly, he came close to the truck at the car park but would not relent from his favorite game of ‘you can’t catch me.’ Eventually I drove up to the new lot hoping he’d chase and get tired enough to get in to go home. Well, he did the chase, ran the whole winding way up to the top of Astaak, and even after over an hour of running and exploring the wetlands and beach, he still wasn’t ready to get in.
So I sat in the truck and reviewed my evenings shots and recharged my phone…here are most of the pictures from my walk with occasional appearances by one very happy dog.
Not sure when it was, but some hours later in the near pitch black dark, I left the truck for the 2nd or 3rd time to stumble around on the dark road in hopes he’d finally be ready to go. A few calls and finally his vague black silhouette materialized through the nearly invisible darkness. Long story short, I finally coaxed him into letting me catch him and take him home for some much needed food, water and a sound night’s sleep.