An excursion to a local beach, art directed by George. This is another of the beautiful well-known and usually very popular public beach parks. Site of a world famous annual sand castle contest. You can’t get within a mile of it on that weekend, need to park miles a way and take a shuttle bus in.
The rest of the time however, it’s pretty much like this. The only other signs of life we saw were the many deer tracks on the beach down at the fresh water slough.
This beach is the eastern half of wide half moon shaped Clam Bay, into the middle of which juts Astaak Point (George is looking back at it in the image above) where my new lot is located, and on the other side of which, is the beach more often featured in my slide shows, the one I call Shangri La. Just below Astaak, on this side, is Sleepy Head, a reef and little cove that George will guide us through in depth studies of over the next few days.