Rainy Day

Rainy Day

Dream Away

September 7, 2014, was an overcast day with occasional showers. It did not diminish the glory of nature one iota or our desire to spend the morning on the beach.

Jimi Hendrix composed a song that goes through my head on days like this. (Although the phrase “Moody Blues” did come to mind as I originally viewed the images…I believe I posted the highlights on my Facebook page that day with that title…LOL)

Day after day as I sit out this long cold winter in Beersville, I continue to look through my vast stash of over 6000 images from this past summer/fall in Nova Scotia, particularly of my favorite beach I call Shangri-La.

At the risk of overkill…to keep myself occupied and stimulate my creative juices, as well as satisfy my longing to be back on that beach again wandering around with George, absorbing the beauty of nature, enjoying it all, while trying to capture a bit of it, I’ve started making more slideshow videos set to music. Besides it’s just fun.

I hope it’s entertaining for whoever happens by this little corner of the web, I call Happy Hollow.

[Video has been removed]


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